Wimbledon Common in autumn

I don’t know why but I always seem to go to Wimbledon Common much more in the autumn than any other time of year.


I cycled across it a lot, particularly during the first half of the first lockdown when Richmond Park was closed to cyclists and you were only allowed to exercise for one hour a day. But cycling and photography aren’t really compatible so it’s only in the autumn when cycling’s less fun that I go with my camera.


The foggy days have been a real treat, even if it is a bit of a struggle to get up when it’s dark and cold. Now I’m waiting for some hard frost (no snow, thankyou).

Under a beech tree Wimbledon Common Arthur ROad Landscapes.jpg
Silver birches in fog on wimbledon common arthur road landscapes.jpg
birch trees and grass wimbledon common arthur road landscapes.jpg
walking the dog in the fog on wimbledon common arthur road landscapes.jpg
birch trees in fog on wimbledon common arthur road landscapes.jpg
foggy birch trees wimbledon common arthur road landscapes.jpg